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Tag: Food and Agriculture

“La Scoscesa”. La resilienza nasce rigenerando la terra

Le terrazze sostenute da muri a secco si inerpicano sulla schiena della collina, mentre il bosco abbraccia fazzoletti di terra dove un lavoro paziente...

Agroecology. The challenge of farming for the future

The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the world back to the essentials: health and food. Fighting the spread of the virus while ensuring access to...

COVID-19, the tenacity of the Italian small farmers

A small piece of land, few people to cultivate it; families, mostly. The fruit of every season’s work consumed at home, sold in...

COVID-19, la tenacia dei piccoli agricoltori italiani

Un fazzoletto di terra e poche persone a lavorarla, famiglie, per lo più. Il frutto della fatica di ogni stagione consumato in casa, venduto...

Food: A fragile right in a locked-down world

Queuing at the entrance of a supermarket in a wealthy neighborhood of Rome, shortage of food seems to be just a temporary consequence of...

COVID-19. No school meals, millions of kids at risk of food insecurity

For millions of children around the world, the COVID-19 outbreak means not getting the most important, if not the only, meal of the day. ‘We...

Farmland in EU: Ordinary commodity or public good?

In the 27-member European Union, farmland is being concentrated into fewer hands at an ‘alarming’ extent and speed, according to a report approved by...

Conflicts and drought at the root of hunger, FAO reports

The global food production is “booming”, driven by strong cereal harvests, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization. However, 37 countries, 29 of which in...

Land concentration in Europe. What we know

Farmland concentration is not just a Global South phenomenon. In the 27-member European Union, only 3.1 percent of farms controlled the 52.2 percent of...

Community seed banks: Securing diversity for climate change adaptation

For thousands of years, farmers have used genetic diversity to cope with weather variability and changing climate conditions. They have stored, planted, selected and...